Monday, January 25, 2010

LIVE !!!!

An unrelaxed Zen summer.

This summer so far has become relatively tiresome as I’m relentlessly wondering what to do. My previous new year’s resolutions have already failed, and now I am trying to search for a new one before school term commences. The past three weeks have been majorly tedious; however I’ve met up with old friends which are a pleasant change. On a night time I talk with Astrid, about goals and people (someone hugely special – our secret) and future lives. I enjoy this because she makes me think about things. I think I’m a better person, certaintly more cultured. On another note, i'm constantly finding myself dreaming of Paris. I often question my mother of why we migrated to Australia in the first place. The next few days are exciting, I’m seeing my best-friend who I haven’t seen since Christmas, and collectively we are going to see the movie “nine” staring my favorite Kate Hudson, yet not so preferred Fergie. You can watch the trailer by clicking on the link below.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Books Books Books !!!

The book. Has there ever been a more inspiring invention? Simple, elegant, imaginative, a blank canvas on which beautiful (mostly) minds can unfurl their joy. What wonderments of the imagination lie in wait between the wafery folds of each newly bond tome? Bullshit! The book is putrid. Filth. Paper incrusted sin. Heathen evidence of the lowest points of the human conidition writ large for the ages of inky depreavity. I say steer clear, heres why.
- Hitler wrote a book, then killed 11 million people.
- Dan brown wrote a book, then bored 80 million people.
- The number one contributing factor in becoming a victim of schoolyard bullying is thinking, and nothing promotes thinking more than books. Think about it, or perhaps dont.
- The average amount of words in a book is 328. Add on an extra few words from “words from the author” and thanks yous, blah, double it, and you get 666!
- The book is almost solely responsibile for social decline.
- The book is anti-freedom. The most popular bookstore is Borders, and as any free society knows we should be moving toward a world without borders. Thus the mere existence of bookshops is a grand statement of right wing capitalist appression and should be abolished.
- The book is the leading cause to early onset blindness and orcular RSI.

Sorry, must go. I'm going to read a book....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Until recently I never realised how stunning and captivating the beauty of the universe is. I do now.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

R.I.P Britney Murphy

Only 32 years young, died of a suspected heart-attack. Our thoughts go out to their family and loved ones.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

drink up.

" Coffee Addiction, in its many guises, can ruin lives."

Wow. I was not aware coffee was so powerful... However I am a self confessed coffee addict so maybe I am under its spell. Due to recent studies coffee addiction may be classed as a "Mental Disorder" . I feel as though I should be slightly concerned about the "depression, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, fatigue and irritability" that would occur if our relationship was to end - coffee is the ultimate abusive lover. I am fairly sure that our love will last forever . That feeling of warmth you get as the rich coffee slides down your throat is bliss ; so I will pretend I know nothing about heartache that is going to come and remain blissfully ignorant as I sip my drink.